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EDON: A Method for Building an Ontology as Software Artefact

, , и . 41st Argentine Conference on Informatics - 13th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (JAIIO - ASSE 2012), стр. 324-338. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2012)

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EDON: A Method for Building an Ontology as Software Artefact, , и . 41st Argentine Conference on Informatics - 13th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (JAIIO - ASSE 2012), стр. 324-338. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2012)An Automatable Approach for SBVR to OWL2 Mappings, , и . XVI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2013), Montevideo, Uruguay, (2013)