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Other publications of authors with the same name

On State-Dependent Streaming Erasure Codes over the Three-Node Relay Network., , , , , , and . ISIT, page 1951-1956. IEEE, (2022)Coded Sequential Matrix Multiplication For Straggler Mitigation., , and . NeurIPS, (2020)Codes for Distributed Storage., , , , , and . Found. Trends Commun. Inf. Theory, 19 (4): 547-813 (2022)Explicit Information-Debt-Optimal Streaming Codes With Small Memory., , , and . ISIT, page 1112-1117. IEEE, (2023)Staggered Diagonal Embedding Based Linear Field Size Streaming Codes., , , and . ISIT, page 503-508. IEEE, (2020)Explicit Rate-Optimal Streaming Codes with Smaller Field Size., , , and . ISIT, page 736-741. IEEE, (2021)A Quadratic Field-Size Rate-Optimal Streaming Code for Channels with Burst and Random Erasures., , and . ISIT, page 852-856. IEEE, (2019)Hierarchical Coded Gradient Aggregation Based on Layered MDS Codes., , and . ISIT, page 2547-2552. IEEE, (2023)On Information-Debt-Optimal Streaming Codes With Small Memory., , , and . ISIT, page 1578-1583. IEEE, (2022)Evaluation of Codes with Inherent Double Replication for Hadoop., , , , , , , and . HotStorage, USENIX Association, (2014)