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An Automatic Interpolation Method of Grayvalued Images Utilizing Density Contour Lines.

, , , and . Eurographics, North-Holland / Eurographics Association, (1987)

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Development and Standardization of a Spectral Characteristics Data Base for Evaluating Color Reproduction in Image Input Devices., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Electronic Imaging, volume 3409 of SPIE Proceedings, page 42-50. SPIE, (1998)Volumetric modeling of artistic techniques in colored pencil drawing., , and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 283. ACM, (1999)Animating planar folds by computer., , and . Comput. Vis. Graph. Image Process., 24 (2): 244-254 (1983)Automatic CG Talk Show Generation from the Internet Forum., , and . SIGRAD, volume 127 of Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, page 127:007. Linköping University Electronic Press, (2016)Classification of Japanese Spatial Nouns., , , and . LREC, European Language Resources Association, (2004)A Resolution Independent Nonrealistic Imaging System for Artistic Use., and . ICMCS, page 358-367. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)3D physics-based brush model for painting., and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 226. ACM, (1999)Toward E-Appearance of Human Face and Hair by Age, Expression and Rejuvenation., , and . CW, page 306-311. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)A New Virtual Museum Equipped with Automatic Video Content Generator., , , and . CW, page 377-383. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Estimating object contours from binary edge images., , , and . ICIP (3), page 453-456. IEEE, (2005)