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Hybridization of evolutionary Levenberg-Marquardt neural networks and data pre-processing for stock market prediction., , , и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2012)Aphid-Ant Mutualism: A novel nature-inspired​ metaheuristic algorithm for solving optimization problems., , , и . Math. Comput. Simul., (2022)Developing a hybrid intelligent model for forecasting problems: Case study of tourism demand time series., , и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2013)MBCGP-FE: A modified balanced cartesian genetic programming feature extractor., , и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2017)A genetic fuzzy expert system for stock price forecasting., , и . FSKD, стр. 41-44. IEEE, (2010)A hybrid intelligent approach for modeling brand choice and constructing a market response simulator., , , и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2013)A Neural Network Ensemble Classifier for Effective Intrusion Detection Using Fuzzy Clustering and Radial Basis Function Networks., , и . Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 25 (2): 1550033:1-1550033:30 (2016)An Intelligent ACO-SA Approach for Short Term Electricity Load Prediction., , и . ICIC (2), том 6216 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 623-633. Springer, (2010)Developing an Evolutionary Neural Network Model for Stock Index Forecasting., , и . ICIC (3), том 93 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 407-415. Springer, (2010)A modified binary version of aphid-ant mutualism for feature selection: a COVID-19 case study., , , и . J. Comput. Des. Eng., 10 (2): 549-577 (марта 2023)