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Prediction of Soil Moisture Content and Soil Salt Concentration from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Field Data., , , , и . Remote Sensing, 8 (1): 42 (2016)Memory access aware on-line voltage control for performance and energy optimization., , и . ICCAD, стр. 365-372. IEEE, (2010)Network Calculus-based Modeling of Time Sensitive Networking Shapers for Industrial Automation Networks., , и . WCSP, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Urban Last Mile Delivery Data Mining for Performance Improvement., , , и . ICCMB, стр. 86-93. ACM, (2024)Lightweight construction of the information potential field in wireless sensor networks., , , , , и . ICCCN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2014)Satellite Telemetry Data Anomaly Detection Using Causal Network and Feature-Attention-Based LSTM., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2022)Regularizing disparity estimation via multi task learning with structured light reconstruction., , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Graph-based Pose Estimation of Texture-less Surgical Tools for Autonomous Robot Control., , , , и . ICRA, стр. 2731-2737. IEEE, (2023)Sparsity adjusted information gain for feature selection in sentiment analysis., , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 2122-2128. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Performance Evaluation of Ethereum-based On-chain Sensor Data Management Platform for Industrial IoT., , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 3939-3946. IEEE, (2019)