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Adapting national interoperability frameworks beyond EIF 3.0: the case of Greece.

, , and . ICEGOV, page 234-243. ACM, (2020)

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Adapting national interoperability frameworks beyond EIF 3.0: the case of Greece., , and . ICEGOV, page 234-243. ACM, (2020)Blended Learning and Open Courseware for Promoting Interoperability in Public Services., , , and . e-Democracy, volume 1111 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 79-93. Springer, (2019)Secure Document Exchange in the Greek Public Sector via eDelivery., and . e-Democracy, volume 792 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 213-227. Springer, (2017)Better access to law by codification and consolidation of legal acts: the case of the Hellenic Law Codification Portal., , , , , and . ICEGOV, page 696-704. ACM, (2020)Generic Services for Cross Domain Use in e-Government., , and . e-Democracy, volume 441 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 64-72. Springer, (2013)