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Cerebral palsy and multiple births.

, and . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 75 (3): F174--F177 (November 1996)

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Dexamethasone treatment and cerebral palsy.. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 84 (2): F140 (March 2001)Consequences of in-utero death in a twin pregnancy., and . Lancet, 355 (9215): 1597--1602 (May 2000)Incidence and prevalence in cerebral palsy.. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 169 (4): 1074 (October 1993)Cause of death in cerebral palsy: a descriptive study., , and . Arch Dis Child, 81 (5): 390--394 (November 1999)Effects of cognitive, motor, and sensory disabilities on survival in cerebral palsy., and . Arch Dis Child, 86 (2): 84--89 (February 2002)Causes of excess mortality in cerebral palsy., and . Dev Med Child Neurol, 42 (4): 287--288 (April 2000)The prevention of cerebral palsy.. Ir Med J, 72 (1): 3--4 (January 1979)The changing epidemiology of cerebral palsy., , and . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 75 (3): F169--F173 (November 1996)Trends in birth prevalence of cerebral palsy., , , and . Arch Dis Child, 62 (4): 379--384 (April 1987)Incidence and prevalence.. Arch Dis Child, 65 (5): 471 (May 1990)