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A Game Theoretic Model for Aggregate Bypassing Behavior of Vehicles at Traffic Diverges., , and . ITSC, page 1968-1973. IEEE, (2018)An Extended Game-Theoretic Model for Aggregate Lane Choice Behavior of Vehicles at Traffic Diverges with a Bifurcating Lane., , and . ITSC, page 2226-2231. IEEE, (2019)Pricing Traffic Networks with Mixed Vehicle Autonomy., and . ACC, page 2676-2682. IEEE, (2019)Offset Selection for Bandwidth Maximization on Multiple Routes., , , , and . ACC, page 6366-6371. IEEE, (2018)Integrating Predictive Motion Uncertainties with Distributionally Robust Risk-Aware Control for Safe Robot Navigation in Crowds., and . ICRA, page 2410-2417. IEEE, (2024)To What Extent Do Open-Loop and Feedback Nash Equilibria Diverge in General-Sum Linear Quadratic Dynamic Games?, , , and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., (2024)Stable hybrid Model Predictive Control for ramp metering., , , and . ITSC, page 1083-1088. IEEE, (2016)Efficient Constrained Multi-Agent Trajectory Optimization Using Dynamic Potential Games., , and . IROS, page 7303-7310. (2023)A Submodular Approach for Optimal Sensor Placement in Traffic Networks., and . ACC, page 6353-6358. IEEE, (2018)The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles' Headway on the Social Delay of Traffic Networks., , and . CDC, page 268-273. IEEE, (2020)