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An adaptive scheme for the approximation of dissipative systems. Stochastic Process. Appl., 117 (10): 1491--1518 (2007)A New Method to Increase the Margin of Multilayer Perceptrons., , , и . Neural Process. Lett., 11 (1): 7-15 (2000)ICML2011 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Workshop., , , , и . ICML Unsupervised and Transfer Learning, том 27 из JMLR Proceedings, стр. 1-16., (2012)Multivariate Time Series Classification: A Relational Way., , , , и . DaWaK, том 12393 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 316-330. Springer, (2020)Should we Reload Time Series Classification Performance Evaluation ? (a position paper)., и . CoRR, (2019)An Interactive Interface for Novel Class Discovery in Tabular Data., , , , , и . ECML/PKDD (7), том 14175 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 295-299. Springer, (2023)A practical approach to novel class discovery in tabular data., , , , и . Data Min. Knowl. Discov., 38 (4): 2087-2116 (июля 2024)Méthode crédibiliste pour l'extraction d'incertitudes sans dépendance aux observations., , , , и . EGC, том E-40 из RNTI, стр. 207-214. Editions RNTI, (2024)Predictive K-means with local models., , , и . CoRR, (2020)Evidential Nearest Neighbours in Active Learning., , , , и . IAL@PKDD/ECML, том 3079 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 35-49., (2021)