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Learning Relations from Noisy Examples: An Empirical Comparison of LINUS and FOIL., и . ML, стр. 399-402. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Discovering Dynamics., и . ICML, стр. 97-103. Morgan Kaufmann, (1993)Learning Rules for Early Diagnosis of Rheumatic Diseases., , , и . SCAI, том 12 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 138-149. IOS Press, (1991)Integrating Explanatory and Descriptive Learning in ILP., , и . IJCAI (2), стр. 900-907. Morgan Kaufmann, (1997)Discovering the Structure of Partial Differential Equations from Example Behaviour., , , , и . ICML, стр. 991-998. Morgan Kaufmann, (2000)Speeding-Up Hoeffding-Based Regression Trees With Options., , , и . ICML, стр. 537-544. Omnipress, (2011)Discovering the most important factors for communities of soil microarthropods using machine learning., , , и . EnviroInfo (1), стр. 194-204. Editions du Tricorne, Geneva, (2004)Using Decision Trees to Predict Forest Stand Height and Canopy Cover from LANDSAT and LIDAR Data., , , и . EnviroInfo, стр. 125-133. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, (2006)Predicting Aggregate Properties of Soil Communities vs. Community Structure in an Agricultural Setting., , , и . EnviroInfo, стр. 295-302. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, (2006)Applying ILP to Diterpene Structure Elucidation from 13C NMR Spectra., , , , и . Inductive Logic Programming Workshop, том 1314 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-54. Springer, (1996)