Author of the publication

Porting Large HPC Applications to GPU Clusters: The Codes GENE and VERTEX.

, , and . PARCO, volume 25 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 305-314. IOS Press, (2013)

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Towards Petaflops Capability of the VERTEX Supernova Code., , , and . PARCO, volume 25 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 712-721. IOS Press, (2013)A Performance Evaluation of Adaptive MPI for a Particle-In-Cell Code., , , , and . CLUSTER, page 506-511. IEEE, (2022)Optimizing Application Performance with BlueField: Accelerating Large-Message Blocking and Nonblocking Collective Operations., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ISC, page 1-12. Prometeus GmbH / IEEE, (2024)Porting Large HPC Applications to GPU Clusters: The Codes GENE and VERTEX., , and . PARCO, volume 25 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 305-314. IOS Press, (2013)nsCouette - A high-performance code for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow., , , , , and . SoftwareX, (2020)A massively parallel semi-Lagrangian solver for the six-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equation., , and . Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., (2019)Evaluation of performance portability frameworks for the implementation of a particle-in-cell code., , , and . Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., (2020)Beyond the Fourth Paradigm - the Rise of AI., , , and . e-Science, page 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Implementing a GPU-Portable Field Line Tracing Application with OpenMP Offload., , , , and . CARLA, volume 1660 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 31-46. Springer, (2022)An efficient particle tracking algorithm for large-scale parallel pseudo-spectral simulations of turbulence., , , and . Comput. Phys. Commun., (2022)