Author of the publication

AgentPolis: towards a platform for fully agent-based modeling of multi-modal transportation (demonstration).

, , , , , , , and . AAMAS, page 1501-1502. IFAAMAS, (2012)

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Continuous Time Planning for Multiagent Teams with Temporal Constraints., and . IJCAI, page 465-471. IJCAI/AAAI, (2011)Towards Addressing Model Uncertainty: Robust Execution-Time Coordination for Teamwork., , , , and . IAT, page 204-207. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)978-0-7695-4513-4.TRUSTS: Scheduling Randomized Patrols for Fare Inspection in Transit Systems., , , , , , , and . IAAI, page 2348-2355. AAAI, (2012)Sensitivity analysis for distributed optimization with resource constraints., , , and . AAMAS (1), page 633-640. IFAAMAS, (2009)Stackelberg vs. Nash in security games: interchangeability, equivalence, and uniqueness., , , , and . AAMAS, page 1139-1146. IFAAMAS, (2010)Game-theoretic patrol strategies for transit systems: the TRUSTS system and its mobile app., , , , , and . AAMAS, page 1377-1378. IFAAMAS, (2013)AgentPolis: towards a platform for fully agent-based modeling of multi-modal transportation (demonstration)., , , , , , , and . AAMAS, page 1501-1502. IFAAMAS, (2012)Stackelberg vs. Nash in Security Games: An Extended Investigation of Interchangeability, Equivalence, and Uniqueness., , , , and . J. Artif. Intell. Res., (2011)Asynchronous algorithms for approximate distributed constraint optimization with quality bounds., , , and . AAMAS, page 133-140. IFAAMAS, (2010)Implementation and research of a pre hospital emergency system based on optimized PBFT consensus algorithm.. AIBDF, page 203-208. ACM, (2023)