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Dynamical properties of vibrfluidized granular mixtures, , , and . Granular Matter, V5 (2): 75--83 (July 2003)Cooling of a lattice granular fluid as an ordering process, , and . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 65 (5): 051301 (2002)Driven granular gases with gravity, , , and . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 64 (1): 011301 (2001)Simple Models for compartmentalized sanddes, , and . Springer, (2004)Application of Simple Models to the Study of Nonequilibrium Behaviour of Inelastic Gases, , and . Phase Transitions, (2004)Clustering and Non-Gaussian Behavior in Granular Matter, , , , and . Physical Review Letters, 81 (18): 3848-3851 (1998)Granular gases: where standard kinetic theory fails, , , , and . INFM Highlights 1998-1999, (2000)Phase transitions in a confined lattice gas: Prewetting and capillary condensation, , and . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 141 (1): 187--210 (February 1987)A variational study of the phase diagram of the potts three state model versus Monte Carlo simulation, , and . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 161 (2): 284--299 (Nov 15, 1989)Statistical mechanics of granular gases in compartmentalized systems, and . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 68 (3): 031306 (2003)