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A trust-based approach against IP-spoofing attacks., , и . PST, стр. 63-70. IEEE, (2011)Panel title: Critical need for funding of basic and applied research in large-scale computing., , , , , , , и . IRI, стр. 1. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2010)Analysing security and privacy issues of using e-mail address as identity., , и . IJIPSI, 1 (1): 34-58 (2011)StateMiner: an efficient similarity-based approach for optimal mining of role hierarchy., и . SACMAT, стр. 55-64. ACM, (2010)LoT-RBAC: A Location and Time-Based RBAC Model., и . WISE, том 3806 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 361-375. Springer, (2005)Towards understanding residential privacy by analyzing users' activities in foursquare., , и . BADGERS@CCS, стр. 25-32. ACM, (2012)A trust-based approach to mitigate rerouting attacks., , и . CollaborateCom, стр. 520-523. ICST / IEEE, (2011)DiCoTraM: A distributed and coordinated DDoS flooding attack tailored traffic monitoring., , и . IRI, стр. 120-129. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)PuRBAC: Purpose-Aware Role-Based Access Control., и . OTM Conferences (2), том 5332 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1104-1121. Springer, (2008)CT-RBAC: A Temporal RBAC Model with Conditional Periodic Time., и . IPCCC, стр. 467-474. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)