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Other publications of authors with the same name

On the Dimensions of Context Dependence: Partiality, Approximation, and Perspective, , and . KR 2000 -- Workshop on Semantic Approximation, Granularity, and Vagueness, KR & R, (2000)Short version of bbg01context.Peer-to-peer Semantic Coordination, , and . Journal of Web Semantics, (2004)Enabling Distributed Knowledge Management: Managerial and Technological Implications, , and . Novatica and Informatik/Informatique, (2002)\\ Nodes: the Building Blocks of a Distributed Approach to Knowledge Management, , and . Journal of Universal Computer Science, 8 (6): 652-661 (2002)A multi--context approach to belief report, , and . Second European Conference on Cognitive Science, AISB, (1997)Short version of~benerecetti5.Okkam4P: A Protégé Plugin for Instance-level Integration of RDF Content, , , and . Demo at 6th Int. Semantic Web Conference, (2007)