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Application of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) for biomolecular interaction studies, , и . Chembiochem, (2006)Molecular basis for isoform-specific autoregulation of protein kinase A, , , , и . Cell Signal, (2007)Ndel1 alters its conformation by sequestering cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase-4D3 (PDE4D3) in a manner that is dynamically regulated through Protein Kinase A (PKA), , , , , , , , , и . Cell Signal, 20 (12): 2356-2369 (декабря 2008)High-affinity AKAP7delta-protein kinase A interaction yields novel protein kinase A-anchoring disruptor peptides, , , , , , , , , и 8 other автор(ы). Biochem J, 396 (2): 297-306 (2006)Monitoring cAMP dependent protein kinase subunit interaction in intact cells using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), , и . FASEB JOURNAL, 18, стр. C-159-C160 Suppl.. (2004)Qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Protein-Protein Wechselwirkungen in der cAMP-vermittelten Signaltransduktionskaskade mittels Biolumineszenz Resonanz Energie Transfer. habilitation treatise, (2010)Weak-localization type description of conduction in the "anomalous" metallic state, , , , , , и . (2000)cite arxiv:cond-mat/0008005 Comment: LaTex, 9 pages with 9 figure.NFC-gestützte Selbstbewertung von Symptomen bei der ALS, , , , , , , и . 84. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, 84, Wiesbaden, Germany, (2011)232 (18-11).Interaktiv, überall & jederzeit - wie Tablets und Netbooks die Lehre verändern können, , и . Hamburger eLearning-Magazin, (2010)216 (61-10).Participatory Requirements Analysis: Entwicklung innovativer NFC- und IT-basierter Care-Dienstleistungen für 50+, , , , , , и . 3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2010, 3, Berlin, Germany, (2010)159 (7-10).