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TalkMiner: a lecture webcast search engine., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 241-250. ACM, (2010)Multimedia research: the grand challenges for the next decade (panel session)., , , , and . ACM Multimedia (1), page 187-188. ACM, (1999)The Design of Postgres., and . SIGMOD Conference, page 340-355. ACM Press, (1986)SIGMOD Record 15(2), June 1986.Issues in the Design of Database Programming Languages.. Workshop on Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling, 11, page 180-182. ACM Press, (1980)FADS - A Form Application Development System., and . SIGMOD Conference, page 28-38. ACM Press, (1982)OpenSoundEdit: An Interactive Visualization and Editing Framework for Timbral Resources., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1998)The POSTGRES Data Model., and . VLDB, page 83-96. Morgan Kaufmann, (1987)Listener Evaluation of Reduction Strategies for Sinusoidal and Resonance Models., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2001)Algorithms for manipulating compressed images., and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13 (5): 34-42 (1993)Comparison of Video Shot Boundary Detection Techniques., and . Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), volume 2670 of SPIE Proceedings, page 170-179. SPIE, (1996)