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A note on the decay of correlations under $\delta$-pinning, and . Probab. Theory Related Fields, 116 (3): 379--389 (2000)A Note on Domino Shuffling., , and . Electron. J. Comb., (2006)The statistical mechanics of stretched polymers, and . Braz. J. Probab. Stat., 24 (2): 279--299 (2010)Scaling limit of the prudent walk, , and . Electron. Commun. Probab., (2010)Random permutations with cycle weights, , and . Ann. Appl. Probab., 21 (1): 312-331 (2011)Critical behavior of the massless free field at the depinning transition, and . Comm. Math. Phys., 223 (1): 161--203 (2001)Mathematical theory of the wetting phenomenon in the 2D Ising model, and . Helv. Phys. Acta, 69 (5-6): 949--973 (1996)Papers honouring the 60th birthday of Klaus Hepp and of Walter Hunziker, Part I (Zürich, 1995).An almost sure CLT for stretched polymers, and . Electronic Journal of Probability, (November 2013)On the Gibbs states of the noncritical Potts model on Z ^2, , , and . Probability Theory and Related Fields, 158 (1-2): 477-512 (2014)Fluctuation theory of connectivities for subcritical random cluster models, , and . Ann. Probab., 36 (4): 1287--1321 (2008)