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Feedback and Timing in a Crowdsourcing Game., , , и . CoRR, (2016)Assessing the Success of Seminars on the Web.. WebNet, стр. 382-386. AACE, (1999)"By the People, For the People": Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata., , , и . Digit. Humanit. Q., (2015)Ethics and children's information systems., , , и . ASIST, том 43 из Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., стр. 1-7. Wiley, (2006)Extending IOS's Collaboration via Web-Enabled Whiteboards., , и . WebNet, стр. 158-161. AACE, (2000)Playing the System: Comparing the Efficacy and Impact of Digital and Non-Digital Versions of a Collaborative Strategy Game., и . DiGRA/FDG, Digital Games Research Association/Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, (2016)Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An "Embedded Design" Model., , и . DiGRA Conference, Digital Games Research Association, (2015)Designing games for learning: insights from conversations with designers., , и . CHI, стр. 2041-2044. ACM, (2010)Investigating the Impact of 'Emphasis Frames' and Social Loafing on Player Motivation and Performance in a Crowdsourcing Game., , и . CHI, стр. 4122-4128. ACM, (2016)MT in the online environment: challenges and opportunities.. MTSummit, (1995)