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Optimization on Sparse Random Hypergraphs and Spin Glasses. (2016)cite arxiv:1606.02365Comment: 28 pages.Incorporation of multimedia capabilities in distributed real-time applications., , , и . DART@CIKM, стр. 5-9. ACM, (1996)On unbiased sampling for unstructured peer-to-peer networks., , , , и . Internet Measurement Conference, стр. 27-40. ACM, (2006)Demo: mobile application resource optimizer (ARO)., , , , , и . MobiSys, стр. 369-370. ACM, (2011)Understanding On-device Bufferbloat for Cellular Upload., , , , и . Internet Measurement Conference, стр. 303-317. ACM, (2016)Multicast redux: a first look at enterprise multicast traffic., , , и . WREN, стр. 55-64. ACM, (2009)Video quality estimation for internet streaming., , и . WWW (Special interest tracks and posters), стр. 1168-1169. ACM, (2005)How to Reduce Smartphone Traffic Volume by 30%?, , , , , и . PAM, том 7799 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 42-52. Springer, (2013)Multi-VPN Optimization for Scalable Routing via Relaying., , , и . INFOCOM, стр. 2756-2760. IEEE, (2009)HTTP in the home: it is not just about PCs., , и . HomeNets@SIGCOMM, стр. 43-48. ACM, (2010)