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Other publications of authors with the same name

Where did my Lines go? Visualizing Missing Data in Parallel Coordinates., , , , , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 41 (3): 235-246 (2022)Evaluating Text-to-Image Synthesis: Survey and Taxonomy of Image Quality Metrics., , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Symphony: Composing Interactive Interfaces for Machine Learning., , , , , , , and . CHI, page 210:1-210:14. ACM, (2022)Measuring Model Biases in the Absence of Ground Truth., , , , and . AIES, page 327-335. ACM, (2021)Humboldt: Metadata-Driven Extensible Data Discovery., , and . VLDB Workshops,, (2024)exploRNN: teaching recurrent neural networks through visual exploration., , , , and . Vis. Comput., 39 (9): 4323-4338 (September 2023)exploRNN: Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks through Visual Exploration., , and . CoRR, (2020)VegaProf: Profiling Vega Visualizations., , , and . UIST, page 94:1-94:11. ACM, (2023)Semantic Hierarchical Exploration of Large Image Datasets., , , and . EuroVis (Short Papers), page 103-107. Eurographics Association, (2023)Visualization-based neural network introspection.. University of Ulm, Germany, (2023)