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Other publications of authors with the same name

The case for JavaScript transactions: position paper., , and . PLAS, page 6. ACM, (2010)Enhancing JavaScript with Transactions., , and . ECOOP, volume 7313 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 383-408. Springer, (2012)Delimited Continuations in Operating Systems., and . CONTEXT, volume 4635 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 291-302. Springer, (2007)Delimited continuations in natural language: quantification and polarity sensitivity. CoRR, (2004)The Partition Semantics of Questions, Syntactically, and . Proc. 7th ESSLLI Student Session, (2002)Lightweight monadic regions., and . Haskell, page 1-12. ACM, (2008)Monads for natural language semantics. (2001)Continuations and Natural Language., and . Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics Oxford University Press, (2014)Closing the stage: from staged code to typed closures., , and . PEPM, page 147-157. ACM, (2008)Question Answering: From Partitions to Prolog., and . TABLEAUX, volume 2381 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 251-265. Springer, (2002)