Autor der Publikation

Ontology Learning Approach Based on Analysis of the Context and Metadata of a Weakly Structured Content.

, , und . WorldCIST (1), Volume 1159 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 271-280. Springer, (2020)

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Ontology Learning Approach Based on Analysis of the Context and Metadata of a Weakly Structured Content., , und . WorldCIST (1), Volume 1159 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 271-280. Springer, (2020)Curriculum for Digital Culture at ITMO University., , , , , und . WorldCIST (3), Volume 1161 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 235-244. Springer, (2020)Towards the Semantic MOOC: Extracting, Enriching and Interlinking E-Learning Data in Open edX Platform., , und . KESW, Volume 786 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 295-305. Springer, (2017)Repository for Multirelational Dynamic Networks., , und . Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. 2nd Ed., Springer, (2018)Data Extraction and Preprocessing for Automated Question Answering Based on Knowledge Graphs., , und . WorldCIST (1), Volume 1159 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 262-270. Springer, (2020)Metadata Extraction from Open edX Online Courses Using Dynamic Mapping of NoSQL Queries., , , und . WWW (Companion Volume), Seite 501-506. ACM, (2016)