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Health Monitoring in Smart Homes Utilizing Internet of Things., , and . CHASE, page 29-34. IEEE, (2019)OpenCyberCity Testbed's Recent Progress in Smart City Management., , , , , , , and . SMARTCOMP, page 240-242. IEEE, (2024)Towards Sustainable Food Security: An Interdisciplinary Approach., , , , , , , , and . SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/IOP/SCI, page 463-470. IEEE, (2021)A Machine Learning-Based Temperature Control and Security Protection for Smart Buildings., , , and . SMARTCOMP, page 290-295. IEEE, (2024)A Physical Testbed for Intelligent Transportation Systems., , , , and . HSI, page 161-167. IEEE, (2019)Development of the OpenCyberCity Testbed: Smart City Research Innovation and Opportunities., , , and . ICCPS, page 233-234. ACM, (2023)A Decision Support System for Cyber Physical Systems under Disruptive Events: Smart Building Application., , , and . ISC2, page 1-7. IEEE, (2022)Robust integral sliding mode control for Markovian jump systems: A singular system approach., , , and . ACC, page 7213-7218. IEEE, (2016)A testbed for a smart building: design and implementation., , , and . SCOPE@CPSIoTWeek, page 1-6. ACM, (2019)On the application of distributed control structure for medium-voltage DC shipboard power system., and . CCTA, page 1201-1206. IEEE, (2017)