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Encoding Application Profiles in a Computational Model of the Crosswalk., , и . Dublin Core Conference, стр. 3-13. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, (2008)Web services for genre vocabularies., , и . Dublin Core Conference, стр. 197-200. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, (2005)Two Paths to Interoperable Metadata., , и . Dublin Core Conference, стр. 19-27. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, (2003)A Repository of Metadata Crosswalks., , и . D Lib Mag., (2004)Toward element-level interoperability in bibliographic metadata, , и . Code4lib Journal, (марта 2008)Dublin Core metadata semantics: an analysis of the perspectives of information professionals., и . J. Inf. Sci., 35 (6): 727-739 (2009)