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When the Joneses' consumption hurts: Optimal public good provision and nonlinear income taxation, и . Journal of Public Economics, 92 (5-6): 986--997 (июня 2008)Welfare measurement, green accounting and distortionary taxes. Journal of Public Economics, 70 (2): 273--295 (01.11.1998)A note on social accounting and unemployment. Economics Letters, 59 (3): 381--384 (01.06.1998)Quasi-hyperbolic discounting, paternalism and optimal mixed taxation., и . Math. Soc. Sci., (2016)Optimal taxation, global externalities and labor mobility, и . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (12): 2749--2764 (декабря 2003)The impact of a nonlinear income tax on the supply of roundwood in Sweden : A policy evaluation experiment based on cross-section data. Journal of Public Economics, 50 (2): 231--252 (февраля 1993)Welfare measurement, sustainability and green national accounting, , и . New horizons in environmental economics Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (1997)Efficient taxation, wage bargaining and policy coordination, и . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (12): 2711--2725 (декабря 2004)Gender Norms, Work Hours, and Corrective Taxation, и . Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, (2015)(ISSP).Local public expenditure in Sweden a model where the median voter is not necessarily decisive, и . European Economic Review, 40 (9): 1705--1716 (декабря 1996)