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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Poster: Let your reputation precede you., und . VNC, Seite 105-106. IEEE, (2014)On the Performance of Topologies and Access Protocols for High-Speed LANs and MANs., , , , und . Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 26 (6-8): 873-894 (1994)Secure neighbor position discovery in vehicular networks., , , und . Med-Hoc-Net, Seite 71-78. IEEE, (2011)Performance evaluation of the MESH-DQDC protocol., , , und . ICT, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2008)Experiences with UHF bands for content downloading in vehicular networks., , , , , und . WCNC Workshops, Seite 333-337. IEEE, (2012)Uplink and downlink resource allocation in D2D-enabled heterogeneous networks., , , und . WCNC Workshops, Seite 87-92. IEEE, (2014)Offloading cellular networks through ITS content download., , , und . SECON, Seite 263-271. IEEE, (2012)Energy-efficient traffic allocation in SDN-basec backhaul networks: Theory and implementation., , , und . CCNC, Seite 209-215. IEEE, (2017)A Passive Solution for Interference Estimation in WiFi Networks., , und . ADHOC-NOW, Volume 8487 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 156-168. Springer, (2014)A Multi-stack Simulation Framework for Vehicular Applications Testing., , , , , and . DIVANet, page 17-24. ACM, (2020)