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The modifiable areal unit problem: segregation between schools and levels of analysis., , и . International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6 (1): 41--60 (2003)The 'Compleat' Design Experiment: from soup to nuts, , , и . Handbook of design research methods in education: Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching, (2008)On the Effects of Collision Avoidance on Emergent Swarm Behavior., , и . ACC, стр. 931-936. IEEE, (2020)The ‘Compleat’ Design Experiment: from soup to nuts, , , и . (2006)What kind of creature is a design experiment?, , и . British Educational Research Journal, 30 (4): 577--590 (2004)Defining the Quality Business Process Reference Models., и . ACIS, (2003)Geographical information systems (GIS) and school choice.. (2007)Preparing for HPC on RISC-V: Examining Vectorization and Distributed Performance of an Astrophysics Application with HPX and Kokkos., , , , , , , , , и . SC Workshops, стр. 1656-1665. IEEE, (2024)Text vs grahics in Prolog tracers., , и . PPIG (1), стр. 8. Psychology of Programming Interest Group, (1992)On the Effects of Minimally Invasive Collision Avoidance on an Emergent Behavior., , и . ANTS Conference, том 12421 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 324-332. Springer, (2020)