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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On the Approximation Resistance of a Random Predicate.. Comput. Complex., 18 (3): 413-434 (2009)Top-Down Lower Bounds for Depth-Three Circuits., , und . Comput. Complex., 5 (2): 99-112 (1995)Optimal bounds for decision problems on the CRCW PRAM., und . J. ACM, 36 (3): 643-670 (1989)Reconstructing Truncated Integer Variables Satisfying Linear Congruences., , , , und . SIAM J. Comput., 17 (2): 262-280 (1988)Quantum Algorithms for Computing Short Discrete Logarithms and Factoring RSA Integers., und . PQCrypto, Volume 10346 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 347-363. Springer, (2017)The security of all RSA and discrete log bits., und . J. ACM, 51 (2): 187-230 (2004)Some Recent Strong Inapproximability Results.. SWAT, Volume 1432 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 205-209. Springer, (1998)On the Approximation Resistance of a Random Predicate.. APPROX-RANDOM, Volume 4627 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 149-163. Springer, (2007)Simple Analysis of Graph Tests for Linearity and PCP., und . CCC, Seite 244-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)On the Power of Interaction, , und . FOCS, Seite 368-379. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)