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Instant graph routing: lightweight graph generation scheme., , и . ICUIMC, стр. 73. ACM, (2011)Virtual group leader election algorithm in distributed WSN., , и . ICUFN, стр. 143-148. IEEE, (2014)A survey of flash memory design and implementation of database in flash memory., и . ISKE, стр. 1256-1259. IEEE, (2008)A V2X Access Authorization Mechanism based on Decentralized ID (DID) and Verifiable Credentials (VC)., , , , и . ICOIN, стр. 801-805. IEEE, (2023)GARPAN: Gateway-Assisted Inter-PAN Routing for 6LoWPANs., , , , и . ICCSA (2), том 3981 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 186-194. Springer, (2006)Network Assisted Mobility Support for 6LoWPAN., , , , , и . CCNC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2009)Remote Configuration Mechanism for IP Based Ubiquitous Sensor Networks., , и . APNOMS, том 5787 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 423-426. Springer, (2009)Reducing positioning errors in the important access point selection method for fingerprint localization by spatial partitioning., , , и . ICOIN, стр. 445-447. IEEE, (2017)MDA approach towards a unified application development framework., , и . ICUFN, стр. 780-784. IEEE, (2017)A TOTP-Based Two Factor Authentication Scheme for Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain., , и . ICUFN, стр. 817-819. IEEE, (2018)