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Energy expenditure index of walking for normal children and for children with cerebral palsy.

, , , , and . Dev Med Child Neurol, 32 (4): 333--340 (April 1990)

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Muscle pathology and clinical measures of disability in children with cerebral palsy., , , , , and . J Orthop Res, 12 (6): 758--768 (November 1994)The energy expenditure index: a method to quantitate and compare walking energy expenditure for children and adolescents., , , , and . J Pediatr Orthop, 11 (5): 571--578 (1991)Established hip dislocations in children with cerebral palsy., , and . Clin Orthop Relat Res, (April 1990)Postural balance measurements for children and adolescents., , , , , and . J Orthop Res, 16 (2): 271--275 (March 1998)Electromyographic differentiation of diplegic cerebral palsy from idiopathic toe walking: involuntary coactivation of the quadriceps and gastrocnemius., , , , and . J Pediatr Orthop, 19 (5): 677--682 (1999)A comparison of oxygen pulse and respiratory exchange ratio in cerebral palsied and nondisabled children., , and . Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 74 (7): 702--705 (July 1993)Energy cost of walking in normal children and in those with cerebral palsy: comparison of heart rate and oxygen uptake., , , , and . J Pediatr Orthop, 9 (3): 276--279 (1989)Energy expenditure index of walking for normal children and for children with cerebral palsy., , , , and . Dev Med Child Neurol, 32 (4): 333--340 (April 1990)