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Investing for the future, protecting the front line: school funding 2010-13, und . DCSF, London, (2010)The Lamb Inquiry, und . DCSF, (2009)Securing our future: using our resources well, und . London: DCSF, (2009)A School Report Card: Prospectus, und ., (2010)This document, which has been produced jointly by the DCSF and Ofsted, sets out the early decisions on the overall shape of the School Report Card. It also includes an example report.\textlessbr\textgreater.The Standards Site: Pupil grouping and organisation of classes, und . Online, (1900)School Accountability, und . First Report of Session 2009-10 HMSO, London, (November 2009)After School Care for All: A Call to Action from the Business Community. Corporate Voices for Working Families, (08/23 2004)Deprivation and Education. DCSF, London, (März 2009)Identifying Components of Attainment Gaps. Research Report DCSF-RR217 DCSF, London, (2010)