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Noise in unspecified, non-linear time series. Journal of Econometrics, 78 (2): 229--255 (June 1997)Noise in autoregressive time-series. Economics Letters, 37 (1): 45--50 (September 1991)Relative risk aversion around the world. Economics Letters, 20 (1): 19--21 (1986)Relative risk aversion around the world : Further results, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 6 (Supplement 1): 127--128 (1988)Insurance, risk aversion and demand for insurance. Journal of Banking & Finance, 6 (Supplement 1): 1--125 (1988)A note on self-similarity in the universal sequence. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 9 (6): 965--973 (June 1998)The gaps between the gaps: some patterns in the prime number sequence. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (Oct 1, 2004)Peaks and gaps: Spectral analysis of the intervals between prime numbers. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 384 (2): 291--296 (Oct 15, 2007)Tick size, the compass rose and market nanostructure. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22 (12): 1559--1569 (December 1998)Can Computers Have Sentiments? The Case of Risk Aversion and Utility for Wealth.. ECAL, volume 1674 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 365-374. Springer, (1999)