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Efficient and Adaptive Epidemic-Style Protocols for Reliable and Scalable Multicast., , и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 17 (7): 593-605 (2006)On the effectiveness of automatic patching., и . WORM, стр. 41-50. ACM Press, (2005)Efficient Quarantining of Scanning Worms: Optimal Detection and Coordination., , , , и . INFOCOM, IEEE, (2006)Bias Correction in Effective Bandwidth Estimation.. Perform. Evaluation, 27/28 (4): 319-330 (1996)Efficient Epidemic-Style Protocols for Reliable and Scalable Multicast., , и . SRDS, стр. 180-189. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Peer-to-Peer Membership Management for Gossip-Based Protocols, , и . IEEE Trans. Comput., 52 (2): 139--149 (2003)Large deviations of the interference in a wireless communication model., и . WiOpt, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2007)Thresholds for virus spread on networks., , и . VALUETOOLS, том 180 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 51. ACM, (2006)Peer counting and sampling in overlay networks: random walk methods., , , и . PODC, стр. 123-132. ACM, (2006)Resource Allocation with Persistent and Transient Flows., , и . NETWORKING, том 2345 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 455-466. Springer, (2002)