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The M/G/1 queue with heavy-tailed service time distribution., и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 16 (5): 749-763 (1998)Brownian Excursion, the M/M/1 Queue and Their Occupation Times., и . Math. Oper. Res., 6 (4): 608-629 (1981)On the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Queueing Problems.. Computer Performance and Reliability, стр. 17-32. North-Holland, (1983)On Entrance Time Distributions for Two Dimensional Random Walks.. Computer Performance and Reliability, стр. 25-41. North-Holland, (1987)On the M/G/2 queeing model. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 12 (3): 231--248 (Mai 1982)On the optimal switching level for an M/G/1 queueing system. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 4 (3): 297--316 (August 1976)On Queueing Theory and Two-Dimensional Queueing Models.. MMB, том 61 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 107-121. Springer, (1983)On the maximal content of a dam and logarithmic concave renewal functions. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 6 (3): 291--304 (Februar 1978)On Level Crossings and Cycles in Dam Processes., и . Math. Oper. Res., 2 (4): 297-310 (1977)A Two-Queue Model with Semi-Exhaustive Alternating Service.. Performance, стр. 19-37. North-Holland, (1987)