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Task-centric interfaces for feature-rich software., , и . OZCHI, стр. 49-58. ACM, (2014)Ingimp: introducing instrumentation to an end-user open source application., , , , и . CHI, стр. 607-616. ACM, (2008)Communicating software agreement content using narrative pictograms., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 2715-2724. ACM, (2010)Characterizing the usability of interactive applications through query log analysis., , и . CHI, стр. 1817-1826. ACM, (2011)Label-and-Learn: Visualizing the Likelihood of Machine Learning Classifier's Success During Data Labeling., , и . IUI, стр. 523-534. ACM, (2017)PICL: portable in-circuit learner., и . UIST, стр. 569-578. ACM, (2012)What can internet search engines "suggest" about the usage and usability of popular desktop applications?, , и . UIST (Adjunct Volume), стр. 417-418. ACM, (2010)Gesturing in the wild: understanding the effects and implications of gesture-based interaction for dynamic presentations., , и . BCS HCI, стр. 230-240. ACM, (2010)Enhancing general-purpose tools with multi-state previewing capabilities., и . Knowl. Based Syst., 18 (8): 415-425 (2005)Creativity factor evaluation: towards a standardized survey metric for creativity support., , , и . Creativity & Cognition, стр. 127-136. ACM, (2009)