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Digital watermarking with network bandwidth efficiency for multimedia security., and . ICUFN, page 294-295. IEEE, (2012)Key-Selective Patchwork Method for Audio Watermarking., and . JDCTA, 4 (4): 117-126 (2010)A Novel Self-Synchroniztion Method for Audio Watermarking., and . CGIV, page 114-118. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Digital Watermarking Based on Patchwork and Radial Basis Neural Network., and . CICSyN, page 242-246. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Secure Client-Side Digital Watermarking Using Optimal Key Selection., and . FGIT-FGCN (2), volume 266 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 162-168. Springer, (2011)Adaptive Client-Side LUT-Based Digital Watermarking., , and . TrustCom, page 795-799. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Multi-rate Sub-Nyquist Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios, , , and . CoRR, (2013)Improved rate for a multi-server coded caching., , and . CoRR, (2018)Knowledge transfer via multiple model local structure mapping., , , and . KDD, page 283-291. ACM, (2008)Fast Log Replication in Highly Available Data Store., , , , , and . APWeb/WAIM (2), volume 10367 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 245-259. Springer, (2017)