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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Keeping Mindful of Modality: A Comparison of Computer Science Education Resources for Learning., , , und . Koli Calling, Seite 18:1-18:14. ACM, (2023)Sensing Affect to Empower Students: Learner Perspectives on Affect-Sensitive Technology in Large Educational Contexts., , , , , , und . L@S, Seite 63-76. ACM, (2020)Chronicles of Exploration: Examining the Materiality of Computational Artifacts., , , und . ICER (1), Seite 29-47. ACM, (2023)Navigating Media Use: Chinese Parents and Their Overseas Adolescent Children on WeChat., , , und . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Seite 1025-1037. ACM, (2017)Information Seeking Practices of Parents: Exploring Skills, Face Threats and Social Networks., , und . CHI, Seite 623-634. ACM, (2016)Embodied Representations in Computing Education: How Gesture, Embodied Language, and Tool Use Support Teaching Recursion., , , und . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2020)Hemonauts: Exploring In-Game Remediation for Health Literacy and STEM Learning., , und . FDG, Seite 7:1-7:12. ACM, (2022)Exploring traditional and workbench-style kits to support project- and problem-based learning., und . FIE, Seite 1-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Value-driven learning: Decoding and building upon playful computing education (Invited keynote).. VL/HCC, Seite 3. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)The Parenting Actor-Network of Latino Immigrants in the United States., , und . CHI, Seite 684. ACM, (2019)