Author of the publication

Wearable Technology Design and Accessibility Considerations Course.

, , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 136:1-136:4. ACM, (2022)

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Innovation and Wearable Computing: A Proposed Collaborative Policy Design Framework., , and . IEEE Internet Comput., 19 (5): 18-25 (2015)The Textile Interface Swatchbook: Creating graphical user interface-like widgets with conductive embroidery., , , and . ISWC, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Design research methods to understand user needs for an etextile knee sleeve., , and . SIGDOC, page 17-22. ACM, (2013)Canine-Centered Computing., , , , , , and . Found. Trends Hum. Comput. Interact., 10 (2): 87-164 (2017)In Harmony: Making a Wearable Musical Instrument as a Case Study of using Boundary Objects in an Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design Process., , , , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 369-378. ACM, (2017)Wearable Technology Design and Accessibility Considerations Studio., , , and . TEI, page 52:1-52:2. ACM, (2022)Canine reachability of snout-based wearable inputs., , , , , and . ISWC, page 141-142. ACM, (2014)Search and rescue: dog and handler collaboration through wearable and mobile interfaces., , , , , , , and . ACI, page 6:1-6:9. ACM, (2016)Canine computer interaction: towards designing a touchscreen interface for working dogs., , , , , , and . ACI, page 2:1-2:5. ACM, (2016)Le Monstré: an interactive participatory performance costume., , , , and . ISWC, page 260-264. ACM, (2017)