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A study on the forms of smoothing filters for step and ramp edge detection., , и . ICPR (3), стр. 741-744. IEEE, (1992)Fully automatic vertebra detection in x-ray images based on multi-class SVM., , и . Medical Imaging: Image Processing, том 8314 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 83142D. SPIE, (2012)Predict Breast Tumor Response to Chemotherapy Using a 3D Deep Learning Architecture Applied to DCE-MRI Data., , и . IWBBIO (2), том 11466 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 33-40. Springer, (2019)Information fusion applied to the tracking of GPS pilot and data channels., , , и . FUSION, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2010)Vertebra Edge Detection Using Polar Signature., , и . ICPR (1), стр. 476-479. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Multi-band GPS signal tracking in a high dynamic maneuvering situation., , и . ICINCO, стр. 258-263. INSTICC Press, (2005)A New Semi-automatic Approach for X-ray Cervical Images Segmentation using Active Shape Model., , и . BIOSIGNALS, стр. 501-506. INSTICC Press, (2010)Multi-input deep learning architecture for predicting breast tumor response to chemotherapy using quantitative MR images., , и . Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 15 (9): 1491-1500 (2020)Non-linear matched filtering for object detection and tracking., , и . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 25 (6): 655-668 (2004)A PRM approach for early prediction of breast cancer response to chemotherapy based on registered MR images., , и . Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 13 (8): 1233-1243 (2018)