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Generalized center of gravity compensation for multirotors with application to aerial manipulation., , и . IROS, стр. 4424-4429. IEEE, (2017)Aerial navigation in obstructed environments with embedded nonlinear model predictive control., , , , и . ECC, стр. 3556-3563. IEEE, (2019)Experimental model derivation and control of a variable pitch propeller equipped quadrotor., и . CCA, стр. 723-729. IEEE, (2014)Design, modelling and control of a Single Rotor UAV., , , и . MED, стр. 840-845. IEEE, (2016)uav_comm: A Generalized Communication between the Robot Operating System and low-level Flight Controllers., , и . MED, стр. 1027-1032. IEEE, (2020)Abstract Timers and their Implementation onto the ARM Cortex-M family of MCUs., , , , , и . EWiLi, том 1464 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)Frame induced vibration estimation and attenuation scheme on a multirotor helicopter., и . CDC, стр. 5698-5703. IEEE, (2014)Reduced complexity calibration of MEMS IMUs., , , , и . MED, стр. 1316-1320. IEEE, (2017)Cooperative UAVs as a Tool for Aerial Inspection of Large Scale Aging Infrastructure., , , , и . IROS, стр. 5040. IEEE, (2018)Full quaternion based attitude control for a quadrotor., и . ECC, стр. 3864-3869. IEEE, (2013)