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A Group Encoding Technique for Set Partitioning Problems, , и . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1, стр. 742--749. Orlando, Florida, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (13-17 July 1999)On Evolution of stochastic dynamical neural networks, , и . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1, стр. 801. Orlando, Florida, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (13-17 July 1999)Anomaly Detection Using Real-Valued Negative Selection, и . Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 4 (4): 383--403 (декабря 2003)Applying Hybrid Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms to the Sailor Assignment Problem., , , и . Advances in Evolutionary Computing for System Design, том 66 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2007)Applicability issues of the real-valued negative selection algorithms., и . GECCO, стр. 111-118. ACM, (2006)Estimating the detector coverage in a negative selection algorithm., и . GECCO, стр. 281-288. ACM, (2005)A conceptual model of self-monitoring multi-core systems., , и . CSIIRW, стр. 83. ACM, (2010)OPNET/Simulink Based Testbed for Disturbance Detection in the Smart Grid., , , и . CISR, стр. 17:1-17:4. ACM, (2015)Artficial Immune Systems and Their Applications. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., (1998)Co-Simulation Platform for Characterizing Cyber Attacks in Cyber Physical Systems., , , , и . SSCI, стр. 1244-1251. IEEE, (2015)