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Integrating Customer Knowledge in the Early Innovation Phase, , and . Universität St.Gallen, (2005)Extreme customer innovation in the front-end, , and . International Journal of Technology Management, 33 (1): 46--66 (2006)Opening up the innovation process. R&D Management, 36 (3): 223--228 (2006)Editorial.Innovation und Risiko — zwei Seiten einer Medaille, and . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2006)Corporate Incubators: Industrial R&D and What Universities can Learn from them, and . The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31 (4): 469--483 (July 2006)How do foreign R&D units in China manage their Chinese R&D staff? An empirical exploration., and . Int. J. Technol. Manag., 56 (1): 73-91 (2011)Opening up the innovation process: towards an agenda. R&D Management, 36 (3): 223-228 (2006)Managing global innovation, , and . Springer, Berlin u.a., 2., rev. ed. edition, (2000)Design and Evaluation of a System Dynamics Based Business Model Evaluation Method., , , and . DESRIST, volume 10243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 125-144. Springer, (2017)Innovationsprozesse, , and . io new management, (2004)