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LIBS: a low-cost in-ear bioelectrical sensing solution for healthcare applications.

, , , , and . S3@MobiCom, page 33-35. ACM, (2016)

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A Lightweight and Inexpensive In-ear Sensing System For Automatic Whole-night Sleep Stage Monitoring., , , , , and . SenSys, page 230-244. ACM, (2016)WiKiSpiro: non-contact respiration volume monitoring during sleep., , , , and . S3@MobiCom, page 27-29. ACM, (2016)Continuous and fine-grained breathing volume monitoring from afar using wireless signals., , , and . INFOCOM, page 1-9. IEEE, (2016)Non-contact comprehensive breathing analysis using thermal thin medium., , , and . BHI, page 239-242. IEEE, (2018)LIBS: a low-cost in-ear bioelectrical sensing solution for healthcare applications., , , , and . S3@MobiCom, page 33-35. ACM, (2016)Poster: Continuous and Fine-grained Respiration Volume Monitoring Using Continuous Wave Radar., , , and . MobiCom, page 266-268. ACM, (2015)In-ear Biosignal Recording System: A Wearable For Automatic Whole-night Sleep Staging., , , , , , and . WearSys@MobiSys, page 19-24. ACM, (2016)Behavioral analysis of turbulent exhale flows., , , and . BHI, page 42-45. IEEE, (2018)WAKE: a behind-the-ear wearable system for microsleep detection., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). MobiSys, page 404-418. ACM, (2020)