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A Language and System for Constructing and Presenting Low Fidelity Algorithm Visualizations., и . Software Visualization, том 2269 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 227-240. Springer, (2001)An empirical investigation into the design of auditory cues to enhance computer program comprehension., , и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 69 (12): 820-838 (2011)Designing IDE Interventions to Promote Social Interaction and Improved Programming Outcomes in Early Computing Courses., , и . ACM Trans. Comput. Educ., 22 (1): 2:1-2:29 (2022)On the design of an educational infrastructure for the blind and visually impaired in computer science., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 571-576. ACM, (2011)OSBLE+: A Next-Generation Learning Management and Analytics Environment for Computing Education., и . SIGCSE, стр. 5. ACM, (2016)In Situ Identification of Student Self-Regulated Learning Struggles in Programming Assignments., , , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 467-473. ACM, (2021)Towards Modeling Student Engagement with Interactive Computing Textbooks: An Empirical Study., , , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 914-920. ACM, (2021)Making Memory Transparent: Design of a Novice Programming Environment for C., и . VL/HCC, стр. 255-256. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)How is User Interface Prototyping Really Done in Practice? A Survey of User Interface Designers., и . VL/HCC, стр. 207-211. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)An Exploratory Comparison of the Roles of Representations in Face to Face and Online Collaborative Learning., , и . HICSS, стр. 35. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)