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A Retrieval Approach for Human/Robotic Musical Performance., and . ISMIR, page 363-364. (2006)Community-Based Design: The Democratization of Musical Interface Construction, and . Leonardo music journal, (2011)Digitizing North Indian Music: Preservation and Extension using Multimodal Sensor Systems, Machine Learning and Robotics. Princeton University, (2002)A Multi-Channel Embedded DSP Closed-Loop Control System for Musical Robots., , , and . IROS, page 2951-2958. IEEE, (2019)The Electronic Sitar Controller., , , , and . NIME, page 7-12. Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, (2004)Integrating HyperInstruments , Musical Robots & Machine Musicianship for North Indian Classical Music., , , , and . NIME, page 238-241., (2007)SQUISHBOI: A Multidimensional Controller for Complex Musical Interactions using Machine Learning., , and . NIME, page 353-356., (2020)The Helio: A Study of Membrane Potentiometers and Long Force Sensing Resistors for Musical Interfaces., , and . NIME, page 459-462., (2010)Robot: Tune Yourself! Automatic Tuning for Musical Robotics., , , and . NIME, page 565-568., (2014)New Interfaces for Traditional Korean Music and Dance., , , and . NIME, page 45-48., (2013)