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Radiative neutron captures by neutron-rich nuclei and the r-process nucleosynthesis. (September 1998)Global microscopic nuclear level densities within the HFB plus combinatorial method for practical applications, and . Nucl. Phys. A, (2006)Partial cross sections of the 92Mo(p,γ) reaction and the γ strength in 93Tc, , , , , , and . Phys. Rev. C, 93 (4): 045809 (April 2016)Nuclear Level densities from drip line to drip line, and . TOURS SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS VI, 891, page 348--354. Tours (France), AIP, (February 2007)The r-process of stellar nucleosynthesis: Astrophysics and nuclear physics achievements and mysteries, , and . Phys. Rep., (September 2007)Verification of Models for Calculation of E1 Radiative Strength, , , , , and . 0802.2183, (February 2008)Experimental constraints on the γ-ray strength function in 90Zr using partial cross sections of the Y89(p,γ)Zr90 reaction, , , , , , and . Physics Letters B, (2015)Summary Report of Second Research Coordination Meeting on Parameters for Calculation of Nuclear Reactions of Relevance to Non-Energy Nuclear Application (Reference Input Parameter Library: Phase III), Vienna, 28 November - 2 December 2005, and . Report, INDC(NDS)-0492. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, (March 2006)Microscopic HFB + QRPA predictions of dipole strength for astrophysics applications, , and . Nucl. Phys. A, (July 2004)Large-scale QRPA calculation of E1-strength and its impact on the neutron capture cross section, and . Nucl. Phys. A, (July 2002)