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Deformable Part-Based Model Transfer for Object Detection., , , , and . IEICE Transactions, 97-D (5): 1394-1397 (2014)Interface-Based Side Channel Attack Against Intel SGX., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Design and Development of High Precision Magnetic Encoder Based on TMR MEMS Device., , , , and . NEMS, page 474-479. IEEE, (2021)An Adaptive Approach to Chinese Semantic Advertising., , , and . ICONIP (2), volume 7063 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 169-176. Springer, (2011)Back-propagation neural network on Markov chains from system call sequences: a new approach for detecting Android malware with system call sequences., , , , and . IET Inf. Secur., 11 (1): 8-15 (2017)Boost Clickbait Detection Based on User Behavior Analysis., , , , and . APWeb/WAIM (2), volume 10367 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 73-80. Springer, (2017)A probabilistic model for semantic advertising., , , , and . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 59 (2): 387-412 (2019)A Novel Blockchain Identity Authentication Scheme Implemented in Fog Computing., and . Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., (2020)Maximum Multiflow in Wireless Network Coding., , , , and . IEICE Trans. Commun., 96-B (7): 1780-1790 (2013)BehavSniffer: Sniff User Behaviors from the Encrypted Traffic by Traffic Burst Graphs., , , , , , and . SECON, page 456-464. IEEE, (2023)