Author of the publication

The Bit Extraction Problem of t-Resilient Functions (Preliminary Version)

, , , , , and . FOCS, page 396-407. IEEE Computer Society, (1985)

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Algebraic Methods in the Theory of Lower Bounds for Boolean Circuit Complexity. STOC, page 77-82. ACM, (1987)Polynomial Threshold Functions, AC^0 Functions and Spectral Norms (Extended Abstract), and . FOCS, page 632-641. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)0-8186-2082-X.The Electrical Resistance of a Graph Captures its Commute and Cover Times, , , and . Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, page 574--586. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (1989)On Interpolation by Analytic Functions with Special Properties and Some Weak Lower Bounds on the Size of Circuits with Symmetric Gates. FOCS, page 628-631. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)0-8186-2082-X.A Lower Bound for Randomized Algebraic Decision Trees., , , and . STOC, page 612-619. ACM, (1996)A Lower Bound for Randomized Algebraic Decision Trees., , , and . Comput. Complex., 6 (4): 357-375 (1997)On Lower Bounds for Read-K-Times Branching Programs., , and . Comput. Complex., (1993)The Electrical Resistance of a Graph Captures its Commute and Cover Times (Detailed Abstract), , , , and . STOC, page 574-586. ACM, (1989)On Representations by Low-Degree Polynomials. FOCS, page 130-138. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)The Bit Extraction Problem of t-Resilient Functions (Preliminary Version), , , , , and . FOCS, page 396-407. IEEE Computer Society, (1985)