Author of the publication

Assessment of Threats for Smart Card Based Electronic Cash.

, and . Financial Cryptography, volume 1465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 58-72. Springer, (1998)

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Evaluation of Distributed Intelligence on the Smart Card., , and . UAI, page 178-187. Morgan Kaufmann, (1999)Assessment of Effectiveness of Counterfeit Transaction Detection Systems for Smart Card Based Electronic Cash., , and . Financial Cryptography, volume 1648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 72-85. Springer, (1999)Assessment of Threats for Smart Card Based Electronic Cash., and . Financial Cryptography, volume 1465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 58-72. Springer, (1998)Evaluation of Electronic Cash Threat Scenarios Using Micro Dynamic Simulation., , and . WSC, page 1641-1648. WSC, (1998)